Monday, February 19, 2007

Events in the Twentieth Century:"Wright Flyer" Flies

The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur, are the men who are credited with producing the first controlled, powered, heavier-than-air human flight on December 17, 1903. The aircraft flew for a total of 12 seconds for 120 feet. This event is incredibly important because it obviously led to the creation of many other types of planes and various other air crafts such as helicopters and military planes.
I think that the creation of the airplane is an important event because today we are able to travel to places that people back then could only get to by boat. Traveling by air is much quicker than traveling by boat or car. It has made traveling more efficient and easier to do because you don't have to be in a cramped little car for more than 3 hours or spend a day or two on a boat getting sea-sick.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Influencial Person of the Twentieth Century: Henry Ford

Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 - April 1, 1947)
I think that Henry Ford was a very influencial and important person of the twentieth century. Henry Ford, of course, was the man who founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903. He was also the man who invented the assembly line, which was used for mass production. When Ford introduced his Model T to the world, he revolutionized transportation and American industry. Ford was awarded 161 U.S. patents and, being the sole owner of the Ford Company, became one of the richest and best-known people in the world. I think that the automobile was one of the most clever inventions of the time. Althought today they contribute to the cause of pollution, they are very usefull and people really, really like them. I think that, had Ford not invented the Model T or the assembly line, we would still be without these things today or that they wouldn't have been the same if invented by someone else.

Friday, February 16, 2007

How did Charlie Chaplin satirize life at the turn of the century in his movie?

Charlie Chaplin was a very famous comedian who made many movies. In his movie "Modern Times", Chaplin portrays a worker in a factory working on an assembly line. In this movie Chaplin satirizes many things about life at the turn of the century. Chaplin compares humans to sheep, through a comparison of pictures as well as showing the effects that working in a factory can have on people. In order to make fun of the people who work on assembly lines, Chaplin has his character go crazy, literally. His character begins to do the same thing he does on the assembly line to every thing else that resembles what he works on on the assembly line. He also makes his character twitch after he finishes his shift, showing that the workers get so used to doing the same things over and over again.
I personally think that the movie, or what we saw of the movie was hilarious. I really enjoyed watching it and I think that Charlie Chaplin is a very unique person with lots of talent.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Women's Suffrage Movement

The Women's Suffrage Movement has been around for quite a while (since 1848 to the passing of the 19th amendment). The whole point of this nearly world wide movement was to gain an equality for men and women. Women had begun to receive a larger education, and they begun to take part in different kinds of movements. This, coincidentally, involved women in politics, which led to women asking why they were not allowed to vote. Suffrage, the right to vote, quickly became the main goal for women to reach. Of course, there were many men who opposed this movement because they believed that women were less intelligent and less capable to make important decisions. Many of these men feared that if women were to start to vote, that it would lead to the corruption of family life.

The Women's Suffrage Movement was a very significant turning point in the 1900's. By 1990, women had the right to vote in almost every country where men had the right. With the passing of this movement, women were given more respect by men and they were not treated as just a house-wife. They were now important people, equal to men, perhaps not in all aspects, but they were getting pretty close.

I think that the Women's Suffrage Movement was a very important and life altering thing that happened. This movement was just one of many that lead to the equality of men and women. Without this movement, women today may still have been treated exactly the same as they were back then. Women would still just be the wives who took care of the house and the kids and the husband. They would still be stuck in the house all day.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Invention - 1900-1914: Air Conditioner

The very first air conditioner was invented by a man named Willis Haviland in 1902. He created the air conditioner only one year after graduating from Cornell University with a Masters in engineering. The term "air conditioner" however, was givin by a man named Stuart H. Cramer.
The air conditioner has been extremely popular and has been used by many people. It has been cooling houses for many, many years and is greatly appreciated by people who live in extremely warm climates.
I think that the air conditioner is a very useful product. It has obviously done very well and has been very successful throughout the years. Almost every home in Canada probably has an air conditioner somewhere in their house. I know that I really like having an air conditiner during the summer, and I like having an air conditioner in our car. All around, I have a lot of appreciation for the air conditioner.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Why is History so important to study?

I think that History is important for us to study because it is helps us understand our present as well as our past. It enables us to look back and reflect on the mistakes that were made as well as all of the positive things that happened so as to live a better life today by learning from these mistakes and progresses.
History also lets us discover our original culture and heritage. Today, Canada is made up of many different cultures and heritages because we are such a diverse country. History allows us to rediscover how we used to be, how we used to live and how we used to act. Although many people think that history is boring and useless, it is actually quite useful to those who know how to use it to benefit themselves.