Charlie Chaplin was a very famous comedian who made many movies. In his movie "Modern Times", Chaplin portrays a worker in a factory working on an assembly line. In this movie Chaplin satirizes many things about life at the turn of the century. Chaplin compares humans to sheep, through a comparison of pictures as well as showing the effects that working in a factory can have on people. In order to make fun of the people who work on assembly lines, Chaplin has his character go crazy, literally. His character begins to do the same thing he does on the assembly line to every thing else that resembles what he works on on the assembly line. He also makes his character twitch after he finishes his shift, showing that the workers get so used to doing the same things over and over again.
I personally think that the movie, or what we saw of the movie was hilarious. I really enjoyed watching it and I think that Charlie Chaplin is a very unique person with lots of talent.
Ruh Roh! Toosie, you need FIVE posts, not four :P Better hurry and write #5 before Mr.Brock sees and fails you. Yep...that sure would be a shame.
"Chaplin compares humans to pigs" ... Just thought I would mention, it was actually sheep :) Just trying to be helpful. Prefect students are like that you know.
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