Many people use the term "band-aid" generically, however "band-aid" is a registered trademark of Johnson & Johnson. The actual name of this product is a bandage or an adhesive bandage.
The band-aid was invented by Earle Dickson in 1920. Dickson had originally invented this product for his wife, who was a very clumsy individual, so that she could dress her own wounds without any help.
The first band-aids ever produced were hand-made, and not a very popular product, but that would soon change. By 1924, Johnson & Johnson got the first machine that could make the band-aids for them. This machine was incredibly helpful because in WW2, millions of band-aids were shipped overseas.
In 1951, the first decorative band-aids were introduced into the market. They were decorated with such things as Batman and Peanuts characters, as well as Disney characters.
The invention of the band-aid was a very ingenious idea. It has been distributed all throughout the world, and is used by people everywhere. It is a very useful product and protects from infections from cuts and whatnot. The band-aid is a good thing to have, where ever you go, especially if you have children or just clumsy people around you.
BAND-AIDS!!! AHAHAHAHAHA! ...Really..I'm not sure why that is funny, but it is because...They're BAND-AIDS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAH!
(This is a story as requested by Susie, so I can't get in trouble ;) )
Ok, so one day there was a rabbit, his name was Mr.McFluffy. He decided to go to get a carrot across the street. He looked both ways before crossing. He may have looked both ways, but he never checked TWICE!! Uh oh! *BAM*
Poor Mr.McFluffy :'( He never even had a chance to get that carrot.
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